The Founders:
The Order of the Sacred Earth came to Matthew Fox and Skylar Wilson through parallel and intertwining dreams: dreams of the Earth's need, of the necessity for spiritual activism and the power of community. As they shared these dreams with others, they met a swell of resonance and support.
Matthew Fox
Matthew Fox has been called a maverick, a rebel, and by some a heretic. In his quest for a viable spirituality he discovered the ancient (but often suppressed) creation spirituality tradition that honors the sacredness of all creation. He has worked closely with Native spiritual leaders, feminists, scientists, activists, and others, and got himself in trouble with his mother church and the pope. He has written 34 books on spirituality and culture now translated in 67 languages and is a visiting scholar at the Academy for the Love of Learning and a professor at the new Fox Institute for Creation Spirituality. Among his books are Original Blessing, The Coming of the Cosmic Christ, A Way To God: Thomas Merton’s Creation Spirituality Journey, Meister Eckhart: A Mystic Warrior for Our Times. See www.matthewfox.org.
Skylar Wilson
Skylar Wilson is the founder and co-director of Wild Awakenings, an adult Rites of Passage organization dedicated to the thriving of Earth, life, and humanity. Over the past 16 years, Skylar has led retreats all over the world focusing on ecological restoration, wilderness knowledge, meditation, and ceremonial practices. Skylar is director of an inter-cultural ritual called the Cosmic Mass, which brings together the world’s spiritual traditions
into an embodied, transformational ritual that builds community through music, dancing and the arts. He works closely with community organizations including the Stepping Stones Project in Berkeley, CA which holds Rites of Passage groups for teenagers using a community-based curriculum. He enjoys surfing, swimming, climbing, writing, giving and receiving bodywork, as well as facilitating one-on-one integration sessions with people of all ages and backgrounds. He received his master’s degree in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness from the California Institute of Integral Studies in 2012.
Jennifer Listug
Jennifer Listug works in book publishing as a private consultant for authors assisting with manuscript editing and book publicity. She is also the co-director of Wild Awakenings, an adult Rites of Passage organization dedicated to fostering the thriving of Earth, life, and humanity. Jennifer was on the Board of Trustees at the Unity in Marin Spiritual Community for three years, serving as the Board President for 18 months. Also at Unity in Marin, Jennifer was a guest speaker for Sunday mornings, she led Rites of Passage groups for teenagers, and founded a young adult interfaith group committed to conscious connection, community service, and social activism. She is a passionate hiker, reader, writer, and public speaker.
Matthew Fox.
Skylar Wilson
Jennifer Listug