Welcoming the Rogue Order of the Sacred Earth
We are happy to announce that the newest pod of the Order of the Sacred Earth has taken root in Ashland, OR, in March 2018, with 50 men and women taking the vow at a celebration on Summer Solstice.
They describe their community thus:
The Rogue Order of the Sacred Earth aka ROSE has been created to live into the vision of Matthew Fox, Skylar Wilson and Jennifer Listug in their book, Order of the Sacred Earth: An Intergenerational Vision of Love and Action (the Vision). The book is intentionally vague on just what an order of the sacred earth "pod" should look like and to some extent we are making this up as we go along. However, the one unifying element of the Order is the vow which members are asked to take: "I promise to be the best lover and defender of Mother Earth that I can be." The intent is to build a community of like minded individuals who are working to keep Mother Earth healthy, to network with other individuals and organizations doing similar work, and to bring a deeper spiritual grounding to that work through the study of creation spirituality.
An important aspect of the Order of the Sacred Earth (OSE) is that it is intergenerational. Those of us who have founded ROSE are in what Matthew Fox would call our "rewirement" years. We yearn to reach out to and learn from the younger generations. We are here to support you, and listen to you; not to advise or criticize you. Finally, to quote Matthew Fox from his vision of OSE "It is a community and a movement, not an institution; a verb, not a noun; a gathering of people very diverse but drawn togther by a common value: the survival and thriving of Mother Earth."
While it may be appropriate to consider ourselves a band of Rogues, that is not how we chose our name. On page 43 of the Vision Matthew Fox speaks of making a commitment to and going deep with a specific Bioregion. Apparently the term has been updated to Ecoregion. We call ourselves the Rogue Order of the Sacred Earth becasue we live in the Rogue River Valley which is part of the Rogue/Illinois Valley Level IV Ecoregion. As this website evolves we will share more about our unique Ecoregion and the groups that are working to protect Mother Earth in our very special corner of the world.
Learn more about RogueOSE here. We welcome them and celebrate this birthing!